Object Properties
Types Coordinates Colors Components Generic Components Line Groups Areas Icons Images WidgetsAPI Endpoints
List Get Details Get Content Set Content Create Empty Add Collaborator Change Title Clone DeleteAuto Diagram Creation
Request Format Margins, Paddings & Co Components Connections Arrows Groups Nested Groups Tiers Labels Styling Meta DataEnterprise
SSO Integration
How it works Login Form Enabling Webhook Auth Authenticating Users Permissioning Document Access Permissioning Access to EmbedsAzure Active Directory
Configuration iFrame integration LocalStorage Passing Token …via Query String …via Post Message Key ParameterArcentry Development
Prerequisites Installation ...Frontend ...Backend Database Setup Configuration Starting the Server Accessing the AppArcentry Enterprise - Authentication
Arcentry Enterprise is the commercial on-premise version of Arcentry. You can learn more about it here or contact us at
Which types of Authentication are there?
Arcentry Enterprise provides two different ways of Authentication:
- internal: The Arcentry Enterprise server manages all users. It provides both signup and login forms and is solely responsible for Authentication and permissioning.
- webhook: Authentication and access requests are forwarded to an HTTP Endpoint that you maintain. This allows for the highest degree of flexibility and enables integration with third-party systems such as existing user databases, SSO or active directory.
- azureAdJwt: Integration with Azure Active Directory / Microsoft Identity Platform. Please find more about it here.
Which Authentication steps exist?
Authentication and Permissioning happen at three crucial points:
- Whenever a new user accesses the application for the first time (signup)
- Whenever an existing user tries to access the application (login)
- Whenever a user tries to access a document
If you use Webhook authentication, login and signup become the same step. Whenever Arcentry receives a new third-party id as a response to a login request, it creates an internal profile for that user.
Where do I configure Authentication?
All authentication settings are configured in the Authentication section of arcentry-conf.yml. Here you can switch between internal and webhook auth, set endpoint URLs and disable the login, signup and forgot password workflows.