Object Properties
Types Coordinates Colors Components Generic Components Line Groups Areas Icons Images WidgetsAPI Endpoints
List Get Details Get Content Set Content Create Empty Add Collaborator Change Title Clone DeleteAuto Diagram Creation
Request Format Margins, Paddings & Co Components Connections Arrows Groups Nested Groups Tiers Labels Styling Meta DataEnterprise
SSO Integration
How it works Login Form Enabling Webhook Auth Authenticating Users Permissioning Document Access Permissioning Access to EmbedsAzure Active Directory
Configuration iFrame integration LocalStorage Passing Token …via Query String …via Post Message Key ParameterArcentry Development
Prerequisites Installation ...Frontend ...Backend Database Setup Configuration Starting the Server Accessing the AppArcentry - Architecture Overview
This guide is targeted towards developers working with Arcentry's code-base. If you are an end-user, please consult the REST-API and Api-Docs documentation instead. If you are an enterprise customer, please find information in the Enterprise section of the documentation.
This is a general overview of the enterprise/on-premise version Arcentry's architecture and components intended for developers working with Arcentry's codebase.
In essence, Arcentry consists of three parts:
- arc-frontend: the browser app that contains all 3D Models, workflows, 2D UIs and 3D drawing canvas.
- arc-enterprise: the HTTP server that serves the frontend, provides REST endpoints and API access and publishes messages via websocket.
- A PostgreSQL database that stores the data, performs basic logic written in PL/pgSQL, and acts as a message bus for multi-instance deployments.
Here's how these components fit together:

Arcentry scales by running multiple instances against a cluster of PostgreSQL servers. PostgreSQL acts as a message broker in this scenario. If any browser or API client makes a change to a given document, PostgreSQL will push this change to other subscribed instances which in turn will relay it to subscribed clients:

To learn more about the way Arcentry works, continue with the frontend or backend architecture sections.